Family and Friends Hunting Photo's

Stephen Leone and his son Jamie hunt a lot here is a few photos they have sent us.
What a turkey, good job Jamie.
Miki Lewis got a pretty nice buck.
To bad she forgot to wipe the milk off his mouth, before she took the picture. Girls cant shoot.
Ashley Watsons Cow Elk.
Yep even "Girls" can shoot an Elk.
If I was smart I would have a comment for this photo. But then again I am so no comment.
But she is mighty pretty skinning the cow elk, at 4 months pregnant. Now that is my kind of woman.
Now we get to Stephen Leone.
I am going to let the pictures do the talking about Stephen.



What do you think?
Do I need to say anything. This guy can hunt.
Stephen Elk Hunt    Stephen Yukon Moose Hunt    Stephen New Mexico Antelope Hunt

Stephen & Jamies Hermosillo Mexico Deer and Oryx hunt    Stephen Dall Sheep hunt

Stephen Elk Hunt New Mexico    Stephen and Joes Oregon Turkey Hunt   

Jamies Black Bear Hunt in British Columbia
Now my long time friend Mark and his son Alex.

Well girls he is kind'a ugly to me but if you want to cut and paste Alex's pictures and send $20.00 bucks for a phone number just let me know.
Wanna get some of your pictures on here, just email them over to, with a little story and we will get them on here!!